Energica Motor Company, leading company of high-performing electric motorcycle and system integration for EVs, today announced that it will provide 88 EsseEsse9+
motorcycles for the upcoming G20 Summit in Bali. This is Energica’s largest, single order to date and is valued at nearly $2 million.

When G20 delegates arrive in Bali, they will be welcomed and escorted by a security detail riding Energica bikes. That means their first experience will be seeing zero-emission, high-performance vehicles in action. My hope is that this experience sticks with each delegate throughout the summit and in all discussions around climate change and transportation.”

Livia Cevolini, Energica Motor Company CEO.

The Indonesian police department will use the Energica bikes when escorting all international government delegates attending the summit. Indonesia will become the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to operate an electric motorcycle fleet, demonstrating its climate leadership and progress on its commitment to put 2 million electric vehicles on the road by 2025.
Energica signed an agreement with UTOMOCORP one of Indonesia’s leading vehicle retail and distribution companies. The two companies expect to deliver the bikes to the Indonesian police force in early November.