If you hate reading owner's manuals

Then Energica Garage is for you.

We don’t like looking at maps, either.

By popular demand, Energica Garage is back.  When we started Energica Garage a couple of years ago, we were responding to the requests of many customers who in the post-MTV digital era, didn’t feel like reading an old-fashioned paper manual on how to operate their new Energica motorcycles.  Especially when trying to keep the page open to the right spot is such a chore while you are trying to figure out how to switch riding modes.

So, the concept of Energica Garage as a visual tutorial was born.  It took a little while to get started, because none of us in the Energica offices at that time were remotely photogenic.  But when Gianluca Mazzarini joined our organization as Product Specialist all that changed, and he prepared Energica Garage, Season 1, which explored all the basic controls of our EGO+, EVA Ribelle and EsseEsse9+ including activated the throttle, traction control, riding modes and especially for newbies to electric – charging the motorcycle.

All these episodes are available on Energica’s YouTube channel.

Latest episode: Energica Garage Season 2 – Ep. 1, The Experia dashboard interface

And here is the full playlist:

Then came the Energica Experia sport-touring electric, with a wildly different dash and set of operating controls.

Customers were delighted with the comfort and responsiveness of the Energica Experia, the new battery (largest of any electric motorcycle) and corresponding highway range at 130 miles between charging sessions.  And the expansive side panniers and top case.  And room for a passenger.

But they weren’t as excited by the all-new Experia controls and dash navigation.  Riders upgrading from one of our other models had to get used to a whole new system.   So again, by popular demand, Gianluca returns, with a new Season 2, devoted to the Experia, which offers far more flexibility and options, but also more complexity and depth.